Much like any other crisis in our lives, we have little control over the obstacle placed in front of us, but we can control how we react to that obstacle. Long after this virus fades into the history books just as those in the past, what will remain are our memories of how we assisted each other and stuck together as a community. How will you respond?

There are several Stenning Woods neighbors that are standing by ready to offer their assistance to help their neighbors get through this crisis – running errands, friendly phone calls or letters, crossword puzzle buddies, etc.

If you could benefit from one of our neighborhood volunteers, please reach out to us via the Contact Us feature on this website or call Dianne Fair at 302-234-2889.

If you are interested in being a volunteer, please use the same contact information above.

Let’s all work together to get through this challenge and come out on the other side a closer and stronger community.

Stay Well

Stenning Woods Board