Dear New Neighbor,

Congratulations on the purchase of your new home!  On behalf of the Stenning Woods Maintenance Association (SWMA) Board, we would like to officially welcome you to Stenning Woods. We are pleased that you have chosen to call Stenning Woods home and look forward to meeting you soon. Please send us your contact information by using the contact us! link (also found on the top and right sides of this website).

With this contact info we’ll be able to send you information about events going on in your neighborhood, as well as yearly SWMA assessment information. If you also let us know of your moving day, we’d love to stop by with a gift and to say hello.


Evergreen: The neighborhood has negotiated a lower rate for trash removal from Evergreen. You are welcome to use any trash provider, but we do encourage you to use Evergreen to cut down on the number of trash trucks in our neighborhood (and to save a few bucks).

Artesian Water is our local water company

Delmarva Power is our power company.
But you can use Arcadia Power for servicing, which can provide a discount and access to clean energy at no additional cost. Their website and payment system is also easier to use than Delmarva.

About the Board

The SWMA Board of Directors is made up of Stenning Woods residents who volunteer their time and energy to manage the Association for the residents. The board’s charter and primary duty is to preserve the integrity and maintain the appearance of the neighborhood by managing the following:

1) Provide financial management & neighborhood planning
2) Common area maintenance and repairs
3) Review architectural changes and oversee Deed Restriction compliance

A2Z Property Management is our contracted property management company and assists the Board with their responsibilities.

About A2Z

Stenning Woods has contracted with the A2Z Property Management company to perform the everyday duties of neighborhood management. Through A2Z, Stenning Woods gains valuable insight into local politics and legal maintenance requirements, as well as support shopping for and hiring and maintenance crews, and a number of other things. A2Z also handles the billing and retrieval of the yearly assessment and enables neighbors to pay this assessment using the A2Z Stenning Woods Portal

About the Social Committee (aka The Party Team)

Stenning Woods has an active Social Committee that plans about a half-dozen events each year. We would *love* to have you join us — and you can help out as much or as little as you have time for. Be sure you’re on the neighborhood email list and/or check this website regularly for updates to find out about the next event!

Deed Restrictions

One of the benefits of our maintenance association is the ability to create and maintain a pleasing and cohesive physical appearance within the neighborhood.  To accomplish that goal, the Stenning Woods Architectural Review Committee is charged with reviewing any permanent exterior alteration or improvements.  Keep in mind that each homeowner, by accepting the Stenning Woods Maintenance Association governing documents at closing, has agreed to abide by the terms of the deed restrictions.  We understand that can sometimes be a hassle, but the deed restrictions exist for your protection and the protection of all neighbors. You can find a copy of the Architectural Review Request form, Deed Restrictions and By-Laws here.

Again, welcome to your new home and your new community. We know you’ll find your new neighborhood is a great place to live.


The Stenning Woods Board